There have been countless women who have made a significant impact on the world. They are the activists, public figures, mothers, sisters, and daughters that show up every day in their full strength and beauty. So many serve as role models and don't even know it. As we wrap up Women's History Month, I'd like to share a few women that I find inspiring.
Joanne Cornwell is the originator and founder of the Sisterlocks brand. Sisterlocks Company has almost reached its 30th year as a business and continues innovating, teaching, and promoting its natural hair system. She is a third-generation entrepreneur and a seasoned and respected leader in the natural hair industry.
DeShawn Bullard, founder of Nouritress Hair Products and Nouritress Salon and Hair Clinic, is a role model and inspiration to me. She is a Sistah who paid it forward by giving me a lift and a hand up with growing my business.
Mckenzie and Giavanni Lewis are two outstanding young and talented sisters who proudly wear their locs in the world of entertainment. Congratulations to Giavanni for becoming a Kidz Bop Kid. She is a talented, focused, and beautiful Spirit living in her purpose! Big ups also to Mama Ty, Papa Leslie, and sister Mckenzie, her supporting family!
I'd also like to mention a few women who have been very impactful in breaking barriers for women with locs in the entertainment, music, and TV industry.
Chloe and Halle Bailey (sisters out of Atlanta) are famous R&B singers with locs. Whoopi Goldberg was one of the first to wear her hair in locs in movies and TV. Lauren Hill inspired a whole generation with her free-form locs. India Irie's I Am Not My Hair is still an Anthem song. And B Smith is a famous restaurant owner, model, and television host.
As we come to a close to Women's History Month, it is important that we remember all the powerful women who have made an impact in our lives and community. These inspiring women are entrepreneurs, activists, and role models. They show us what is possible when we dare to be ourselves and use our talents to make a difference in the world. So take the time to celebrate the women in your lives every day!